Improving reliability of diagnostic and monitoring tools for glaucoma
Glaucoma is the most common cause of irreversible blindness worldwide, and early diagnosis and monitoring is paramount to preserve vision. In recent times, there has been substantial improvement in glaucoma diagnosis with almost universal use of OCT in clinical practice. Another exciting development is the emergence of visual field testing using virtual reality devices which provides opportunity to more frequently measure visual fields. In this project, we are developing techniques/methods to improve reliability of glaucoma diagnostic tools, specifically OCT and home based visual fields.
Glaucoma detection by community optometrists – improving specificity with OCT imaging
This project will investigate how OCT can most efficiently be used by optometrists to diagnose glaucoma in low-prevalence settings such as high-street optical practices, alone and in combination with other tests such as tonometry and visual fields.
Investigating the potential of “abundant testing” with virtual reality (VR) perimetry
In this project, we will investigate if more frequent visual field testing at home using virtual reality perimetry can result in more reliable visual fields results.
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